Our products go through rigorous testing before reaching our customers. The video above shows the three-point bend test that our products are subjected to on a daily basis.

We test our products to the ASTM D8364 – the international specification standard for GCCMs.

Concrete Canvas is the first GCCM in the world to meet this standard.

A three-point bend test, also known as a flexural test, is a mechanical test used to determine the flexural strength and stiffness of a material. This test involves applying a load to the centre of a specimen supported at two points, causing it to bend. The key objective is to measure the material’s response to bending forces, which includes the maximum stress and strain it can withstand before failure. This test is performed to the ASTM D8058 standard, an indicator of overall performance.

Further information about our testing procedures are available here:

Technical Note I

Technical Note II

Technical Note III

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