Concrete Canvas Channel Lining at Greenside Mine

In 2016, Concrete Canvas was used to reline an existing channel on top of a tailings dam, preventing severe flooding and storm damage. Find out more about the project below.

Glenridding Channel Lining

The location

Glenridding Channel Lining Landscape

Greenside Mine was once the UK’s largest producer of lead ore, having been in continuous operation for over 150 years. Whilst it had been closed since 1961, there was still significant evidence of the mining techniques that were used at the site, leading to it being designated a Scheduled Monument. Having been out of use for more than 60 years, the site had also grown into a natural scree habitat, with species such as Juniper and Parsley Fern making it a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).

This was an extremely sensitive location, which required collaboration between the Lake District National Park Authority, Coal Authority, Environment Agency and the 7-5 Engineer Regiment under 4-2 Brigade to ensure the area remained protected throughout the duration of the project.

The project

As a past mining location, the site had a tailings dam which had been used to store excess material. Above the tailings dam, there was a 200m long channel, which had been causing runoff damage during periods of heavy rainfall. To protect the environment, it was decided that this channel needed to be relined with a durable solution.

Glenridding CHannel Lining Installation

Previously, the Lake District National Park Authority had used dry stone walling and poured concrete to reline the channel. However, both of these techniques posed logistical issues due to the rural location of the site and proved ineffective at preventing runoff damage. Instead, the Coal Authority, who provide geotechnical advice to the Lake District National Park Authority, recommended the use of Concrete Canvas.

The solution

Glenridding Before Glenridding After

Concrete Canvas® is the original GCCM and the first product to declare conformance to ASTM D8364-Standard Specification. This is the only internationally recognised GCCM specification standard and lists erosion control applications by three classifications, Type I, Type II and Type III. It defines the minimum performance values required for each type based on the use of test methods that are specific to GCCM materials. ASTM D8364 is an important resource for clients, consultants and contractors wishing to ensure the GCCM used on their project is fit for purpose. For Greenside Mine, we recommended that both CC8 which is Type II and CC13 which is Type III were used.

Glenridding Completed Channel Lining

The Greenside Mine site was located on a steep hillside, two miles up a remote track. This presented initial logistical issues, with no way of off-loading the materials on site. Instead, the material was by HIAB wagon to a location that was 500m away. From here, the materials were flown into position by commercial helicopter, avoiding the impact that wheeled vehicles or tracked machinery would have had on the environment.

To accommodate for the varying profiles of the channel, it was made sure that all rolls of CC8™ were batched to specific lengths. These rolls were then labelled and palletised into loads that weighed less than 950kg, allowing them to be subsequently lifted and accurately positioned by helicopter. Once the rolls were in place, they were trimmed and anchored to the ground using steel pegs and heavy rocks, with any overlaps being jointed using stainless steel screws at 20cm centres. An army-issue 10,000 litre reservoir was then used to hydrate the rolls and set them in place.

Glenridding Channel Lining Installation

The results

Glenridding Complete Channel Lining

In total, 837m² of CC8™ and 128m² of CC13™ were used to reline the channel at Greenside Mine. Since the installation, the channel has effectively prevented runoff damage to mining material. As Concrete Canvas has been approved by BBA to provide durability of 120 years, we expect the relined channel to continue protecting the surrounding environment for many years to come.

“The Concrete Canvas is still working as effectively as when it was installed. We’ve had about half a dozen really heavy rainfall events since it went in and on every occasion the runoff from the hillside above the tailings dam has been intercepted and safely conveyed directly into the beck without causing any erosion of mine material. At the end of October 2021 the site received 400mm of rainfall in six days, the wettest week since Storm Desmond in December 2015. The Concrete Canvas performed exactly as it needed to and there was no erosion of any mine material.”

Martin Lord – Project Manager, Lake District National Park Authority

Contact Concrete Canvas for Channel Lining

If you are looking for a flexible and durable concrete solution for your channel lining project, get in touch with Concrete Canvas. We can assess your project requirements to match you with the most suitable type of GCCM. With no need for plant or mixing equipment, we can even guide you through the installation process: simply unroll, secure and add water.

Get in touch




Concrete Canvas Channel Lining at Avoca Mines

Channel Lining Before Channel Lining After

In 2017, Concrete Canvas was used to provide scour protection to drainage channels at the Avoca Mines in Wicklow. Find out how the project went below.

The location

Copper mining is reported to have begun in the Avoca River valley in 1720 and continued, intermittently, until 1982. Consistent mineral extraction has left an environmental legacy that comprises of open pits, shafts, spoil piles and former mining buildings.

Preperation for Channel Lining at Avoca Mines

The project

During health and safety works that were being carried out by Civil and Environmental Engineering Contractor, Priority Construction Ltd., it was identified that the former mining site was impacting the quality of the water in the Avoca River. Water dischargers from abandoned copper and sulphur mines were acidic and metal laden, contaminating the nearby river water.

C Deployment for Channel Lining at Avoca Mines

It was decided that the spoil areas would need to regraded and capped, with drainage channels to redirect upstream drainage around the site, instead of through it. Whilst the original design used a combination of precast concrete channels and HDPE liner, there were concerns around the long lead in times for the precast concrete and the construction risks associated with steep slopes. Instead, Priority Construction Ltd. proposed the use of Concrete Canvas.

The solution

At Concrete Canvas, we offer Geosynthetic Cementitious Composite Mats (GCCMs), which are an alternative to traditional concrete methods. Unlike most concretes, our GCCM uses a specialist high early strength concrete, with a limited alkaline reserve. This means it has a very low wash out rate and can be directly discharged into the water course, without the need for prior treatment, making it an ideal solution for channel lining.

For this project, we recommended the use of CC13™, which is our thickest type of GCCM. However, before the installation process could begin, the channel needed to be excavated and compacted to profile. A 250mm x 250mm anchor trench was then built on either side of the channel to allow the leading edge of the GCCM to be buried, preventing any undermining. Once the channel was prepared, the CC13™ was mounted onto a spreader beam and hung from an excavator, allowing it to be easily unrolled. Each piece of CC13™ was cut to a specific profile length and dragged into place, minimising material waste.

Fixing of CC into Channel at Avoca Mines

Priority Construction Ltd. installed the CC13™ transversely to accommodate for change in the channel profile, with layers overlapping by 100m in the direction of the water flow. The overlaps were then sealed using Everbuild Clearfix adhesive sealant and screwed together using stainless steel screws. As an extra precaution against undermining, 250mm steel ground pegs were also inserted into each overlap in the anchor trenches and then backfilled with material.

Jointing of Concrete Canvas to the Channel at Avoca Mines

As the channel was located on a steep hill, concrete steps were installed to dissipate the water energy. Due to the flexibility of CC13™, it was able to be laid over each step and pinned into the vertical interface of the steps using Hilti anchors. After each day of work, the CC material was hydrated using a hose and a 6000ltr water carrier.

Hydrating Concrete Canvas for Channel Lining at Avoca Mines

The results

In total, 1,520m² of CC13™ was installed within two weeks, providing long-term scour protection and erosion control for the network of drainage channels on the site. Despite the steep and varying slopes, we achieved installation rates of over 200m² per day.

Completed Channel Lining at Avoca Mines

Following the success of this installation, Concrete Canvas is now being considered for multiple projects in the same region, in both the public and private sectors.

“After carrying out some research into alternatives for in-situ or precast concrete drainage channel we encountered Concrete Canvas. As we learned more about this solution we realised it would be ideal for the Avoca Mines Remediation Project which we had been awarded. We succeeded  in gaining approval from the client for the use of Concrete Canvas. As the project progressed it became clear that this solution provided a number of benefits when compared with traditional methods. These benefits included speed of installation and flexibility in terms of levels e.g. where there were changes in design levels. I intend to use this product on future projects where possible.

Ken Madden – Senior Contracts Manager, Priority Construction Ltd.

Contact Concrete Canvas for Channel Lining

Completed Channel Lining Project at Avoca Mines

If you are looking for a flexible and durable concrete solution for your channel lining project, get in touch with Concrete Canvas. We can assess your project requirements to match you with the most suitable type of GCCM. With no need for plant or mixing equipment, we can even guide you through the installation process: simply unroll, secure and add water.

Get in touch



Concrete Canvas Bund Lining in Greece

In 2017, Concrete Canvas was used to line a bund at a petroleum tank farm, which required weathering protection and weed suppression. Keep reading to find out more about the project requirements and how Concrete Canvas met them.

The project

Located in Athens, Greece, was a petroleum tank farm that required bund lining. The existing bunds were heavily vegetated, which was putting the site at risk of fire during the extremely hot summer months, with temperatures often hitting highs of 48 degrees Celsius. The bunds were also subject to weathering and erosion, which was impacting the integrity of the ground below the tanks. It was decided that the farm required a hard-wearing and cost-effective solution, with weed suppression characteristics, to restore its stability and safety.

Initially, traditional concrete combined with Shotcrete was considered for this project. However, there was a risk of rebound from Shotcrete, which would affect the site environment and infrastructure.  There was also an issue with site access, which would make it difficult to use the heavy plant machinery that’s required for traditional concrete methods. As a result, Concrete Canvas was specified for the project.

The solution

CC Bund Lining Athens

At Concrete Canvas, we offer Geosynthetic Cementitious Composite Mats (GCCMs) for effective bund lining. Providing weed suppression and erosion control, our GCCMs have been used for multiple bund lining projects in the past, proving to be suitable for a variety of petrochemical, oil and gas sites. For the project at the petroleum tank farm, we recommended the use of our CC5 GCCM.

Before we could begin the installation process, all vegetation was removed, along with rocks and debris from the area. Once the ground had been re-levelled, the contractor was able to manoeuvre our CC5™ rolls into position on the crest of the bund slope. The CC5™ was then unrolled down the slope and across the tank floor, with the guidance of two members of the installation team.

At the top of the slope, we had a concrete slab poured, which is where the CC5™ rolls were secured using masonry nails. This process was then repeated along the length of the slope, with additional layers overlapping by 100m. For each overlapping layer, Everbuild Clearfix adhesive sealant and Hilti collated screws were used to secure the rolls to the surface.

As the CC5™ material is so flexible, it could easily accommodate the petroleum storage tanks and pipework during the installation process. Around any walls, corners and protruding infrastructure, we cut the CC5™ material by hand, with extra layers being fitted around items where needed.

To complete the installation of the CC5™ GCCM, the material was hydrated using hoses attached to fire pipes. This was repeated three times to ensure adequate hydration in the high temperatures of Athens, Greece.

CC Bund Lining Athens Hydration

The results

CC Bund Lining Athens Greece Before CC Bund Lining Athens After

6,400m² of CC5™ was installed over nine days in consistently high temperatures. Once the bund lining installation was complete, the client expressed how impressed they were with the immediate effectiveness of the product. The client and contractor also commented on the cost efficiency of our GCCMs, compared to traditional concrete methods.

With Concrete Canvas proving to be an effective solution for bund lining at their petroleum tank farm, the client is now interested in exploring the suitability of our GCCMs at more of their tank farms in Greece.

Contact Concrete Canvas for Bund Lining

If you are looking for a hard-wearing and cost-effective solution for your bund lining project, get in touch with Concrete Canvas. We can assess your project requirements to match you with the most suitable type of GCCM. With no need for plant or mixing equipment, we can even guide you through the installation process: simply unroll, secure and add water.

Get in touch






The importance of weed control management

Weed control methods are vital to the survival of native plants and the safety of physical infrastructures.

As weeds compete for light, nutrients and moisture, they can grow at an accelerated rate and take over as the primary plant species. In doing so, they can eradicate native plants in a single growing season, which can be extremely harmful to the ecosystem.

When weeds grow alongside physical infrastructures, they can become a health and safety hazard. From road-sides where they can block the visibility of drivers to pipe tracks where they can cause a critical leak, weeds can quickly become a problem in peoples’ everyday lives.

There are a variety of weeds, from harmless common garden weeds to the more dangerous plants that are toxic to humans/animals or public spaces. Some can be harmful to humans from causing rashes to severe blisters when touched like the stinging nettle or poison ivy. They can also be threatening in other ways:  invasive weeds can become dangerous as they outgrow other plants killing them in the process, some can cause property damage as they grow at such a pace it becomes impossible to control and many are poisonous to animals.

The different weed control methods

There are a number of weed control methods that can be used to prevent the growth of weeds:

Organic mulch

Most commonly a form of chipped bark, organic mulch is one the most environmentally friendly methods of weed control management. When applied in a 2–3-inch layer, organic mulch helps to block the sunlight that weeds need to grow. Not only does mulch prevent weeds, it also benefits the soil by retaining moisture and releasing nutrients.

Organic mulch is a relatively short-term method of preventative weed control and will need to be reapplied at least once a year.

Geotextile Membranes

The majority of high-quality geotextiles are made from a synthetic-fibre material. When applied, geotextiles work by blocking the sunlight and preventing the growth of weeds. Whilst many fabrics are UV-protected, it is advised that they are not directly exposed to sunlight. Instead, geotextiles can be covered with a layer of mulch, providing additional weed prevention. Geotextiles will require regular monitoring to ensure it maintains its strength and quality.


Herbicides are a popular method of weed control for roadsides, and are currently used by local councils across the UK. Selective herbicides help to target and remove invasive species, without impacting the surrounding vegetation. These are considered the most environmentally-friendly form of herbicide, as the removal of invasive species is vital to protecting our established ecosystems.

Herbicides provide short-term weed control and need to be applied twice a year for effective weed control management.

Concrete Canvas

Concrete Canvas is a growing application for weed control management, at land development projects and limited access sites. Complying with ASTM standards, Concrete Canvas has been certified by the British Board of Agrement (BBA) for its weed suppression applications. By forming a fibre reinforced concrete layer, Concrete Canvas prevents weed growth, soil erosion and water pollution. Concrete Canvas has been tested against weed suppression and root penetration resistance according to DD CEN/TS 14416:2005, meaning weeds will not break through the material. It’s available in man-portable batched rolls, which allows for easy transportation to limited access sites and where application is required near a road or railway. Not only will CC prevent weed growth but it prevents corrosion of pipework and clear leak detection visibility.

Concrete Canvas is a long-term preventative weed control method, with a minimum design life of 50 years. Typically ten-times faster to install than conventional solutions and it allows for installation with minimal plant specialist training. One single layer of CC5 material would replace 100mm of poured concrete, saving on material and cost. With the product being a long-term solution, this would save vast amounts of money on maintenance and continuous labour costs.

Use Concrete Canvas for Weed Control Management

If you’re looking for a weed control method that is durable, flexible and environmentally-friendly, look no further than Concrete Canvas. Concrete Canvas has been used across a number of industries, including Road, Rail and Utilities for its weed control management.

To find out more about Concrete Canvas and how it can be used for weed prevention, get in touch.

Concrete Canvas are proud to announce that it has been nominated as the finalist in the 2022 South Wales Business Growth Awards for THREE categories.

  • Innovation
  • Brand
  • Environmental

The Business Growth Awards celebrate the efforts that South Wales businesses have achieved to shape the local community.

Thank you to all our staff for all your continued hard work and dedication to support our growth. Thank you to all the contractors, clients and consultants who trust us in providing the right product for hundreds of ongoing global projects, from public works to utilities and mining.

The results will be announced at the Awards Ceremony on Friday 4th March 2022.

Soil erosion in farming

Soil erosion is one of the most common concerns for farmers.

The erosion is a gradual process where water and certain weather conditions impact the soil and cause it to deteriorate. Not only does soil erosion remove the quality of the topsoil, but it also is detrimental to the land and environment, as it causes pollution in landslides and waterways. Soil erosion can also increase the risk of flooding, and in worst-case scenarios, the land could be cultivated if soil erosion is severe.

Before we look at how farmers can control erosion and minimise the impact, we’ve listed the top causes that affect the quality of the soil and farm work.

What types of erosion are in farming?

Different types of soil erosion can cause several problems. These include:

Water erosion

Water can impact the quality of soil over time. However, the amount and rate it deteriorates completely depend on how much water the soil is exposed to, and whether it’s through rainfall or flowing water. The effect water erosion has on the soil can be invisible. Farmers may see a difference in the colour of the soil over time. Farmers can control erosion by putting measures in place – both structural and cultural practises – to improve the soil infiltration to water rate.

Wind erosion

Similar to water, wind can affect the quality of the soil and cause it to erode over time. Farmers can reduce the impact that wind has on the soil by keeping it covered.

Channel erosion

In some cases where erosion is severe, a channel can form in the land if one of the banks in the land is breached.

The irreversible damage that soil erosion has is one of the reasons why farmers are always seeking sustainable solutions and soil management systems to control erosion and protect their agricultural land.

What is erosion control?

Erosion control is the practice of preventing water from eroding the landscape. There are different erosion control methods that farmers can use to stop their land and soil from eroding.

How can farmers control erosion?

Planting vegetation

One way that farmers can control erosion in the soil is by planting vegetation. This method involves planting crops that are suitable for erosion control. These are deep-rooted plants, such as trees or woodland, which diverts surface water into channels.

Contour farming

Another way that farmers can control erosion and manage surface water is physical earthworks to create water channels to divert surface water away from agricultural land. Not only is this method costly, but it’s also timely and disruptive to the environment and biodiversity.

Cover the area with geosynthetic material

Covering the area with geosynthetic materialsheeting is a popular method that farmers use to control erosion. One product that can control erosion and cause minimal damage to the ground is Concrete Canvas. Concrete Canvas is the original Geosynthetic Cementitious Composite Mat (GCCM).

Concrete Canvas is a three-dimensional fibre matrix that contains a specially formulated dry cementitious mix. The PVC backing ensures that Concrete Canvas is completely waterproof while the reinforcement of cementitious mix prevents cracking. As a result, Concrete Canvas is a thin, durable waterproof and lower-carbon alternative to traditional concrete.

Concrete Canvas is one of the most effective ways that farmers from around the world can use to control erosion as it covers the entire soil surface. Using Concrete Canvas to control erosion means there is less concrete in the ground and it can divert surface water efficiently.

Channel Lining Before Channel Lining After

The benefits of using Concrete Canvas

Concrete Canvas has many benefits as an erosion control application, including:

Easy and quick installation

Concrete Canvas is used in the agriculture and farming industries because of its easy and fast installation. The material is laid at a rate that’s ten times faster than conventional solutions that are used to control erosion in farming.

Concrete Canvas is also easy to install and doesn’t require on-site mixing or measuring. Available in batched rolls, Concrete Canvas can be unrolled on the surface fixed into place and hydrated.

Minimal disruption

As Concrete Canvas doesn’t require a large team or equipment to install, the erosion control application is less intrusive to inaccessible and environmentally-sensitive areas.


The speed and ease of installing Concrete Canvas mean that farmers can cut the costs of time and labour it takes to apply an erosion control measure and preserve the quality of their soil.

Sustainable Alternative

Concrete Canvas is a low mass, lower carbon technology, which uses up to 95% less material than conventional solutions, making it a lower carbon alternative to conventional erosion control methods that farmers can use.

Less specialist equipment and heavy plant

Using Concrete Canvas as an erosion control application requires less specialist equipment and heavy plant, which means less damage to the agricultural land.

 Learn more about Concrete Canvas

For more insight on how farmers can control erosion, specifically by using Concrete Canvas, you can contact our team for more information.

Enquire now

Concrete Canvas are proud to share that we have been announced as the Regional winner of the Chamber Business Awards 2021 for The Game Changer Award. The Welsh Chamber have chosen Concrete Canvas as the Entrepreneur of the Year for the development and commercialisation of our innovative range of low carbon, time-saving, construction materials. We are delighted to be put forward for the National prize for which the winners will be announced during the virtual ceremony on the 9th December 2021.

Once again, we’d like to thank everyone for their continued work and support.


Concrete Canvas are excited to announce that we have been nominated for The Game Changer award by the Chamber of Commerce. We have received this nomination for transforming an idea into a successful, sustainable business by understanding the market’s key challenges, customers, and the competitive landscape.

Regional winners will be announced on the 8th November 2021 with National winners being announced at the virtual awards ceremony on the 9th December 2021.

We would like to thank all our staff, partners, clients, contractors and consultants for the continued work and support that has gone into Concrete Canvas.

Please keep posted as we will be updating all our channels as soon as we receive more great news to share.

What is a concrete drainage channel?

A concrete drainage channel is a system which allows the flow of water from one location to another. Used in a range of infrastructures and industries, concrete drainage channels have two common purposes: to convey clean water and to divert excess water. In both instances, a drainage channel serves as an effective way to transport surface water, whilst protecting the surrounding land from damage caused by water erosion.

How to install a concrete drainage channel

If you’re looking for a time-efficient and cost-effective way to install a heavy-duty drainage channel, use Concrete Canvas. Concrete Canvas products are part of a revolutionary class of new, innovative materials called Geosynthetic Cementitious Composite Mats (GCCMs), it is essentially Concrete on a Roll™, making it extremely easy to install as a drainage channel lining. All you need to do is:

  1. Prepare the substrate. To ensure a smooth application, you first need to compact the surface and remove any vegetation, rocks and large voids.
  2. Secure the canvas. Overlap layers and securely joint them together to prevent water ingress and weed growth.
  3. Hydrate the surface. Use water to hydrate the Concrete Canvas surface to activate the concrete and create a solid drainage channel.

The benefits of a concrete drainage channel

The easy installation of Concrete Canvas is just one of the many benefits gained from using it to create a heavy-duty drainage channel. Further benefits of Concrete Canvas are that it is:

  1. Concrete Canvas has a hard armour surface, which protects the drainage channel from punctures, abrasion, weathering and UV. In addition, Concrete Canvas has been BBA certified with a durability in excess of 120 years, making it an extremely long-lasting solution.
  2. Concrete Canvas has been specially designed to be flexible and adaptable. This means it can closely follow the ground profile and fit around existing infrastructure.
  3. Concrete Canvas is made using lower carbon technology, which uses up to 95% less material than other concrete drainage solutions, making it more sustainable to produce and install.
  4. Cost-effective. Concrete Canvas is available in ready-to-use rolls and requires less time and personnel to install, making it a more cost-effective solution than conventional concrete drainage systems. It also requires minimal maintenance once it’s been installed, making it much more affordable in the long run.
  5. Time efficient. Concrete Canvas is ready-to-use and can be installed at a rate of 200m²/hour. With no need to measure or mix materials, Concrete Canvas can be laid up to 10 times faster than conventional concrete drainage systems.

Choose Concrete Canvas for your Drainage Channel

Concrete Canvas has been used across a number of industries to create heavy duty drainage channels. From Road and Rail to Agriculture and Mining, Concrete Canvas has proven to be an effective method of carrying surface water.

If you’re interested in using Concrete Canvas to complete a concrete drainage system, feel free to get in touch. Our team of specialists are on hand to discuss your project and recommend a solution.

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