Concrete Canvas has featured in an article in Technische Sicherheit magazine where it is described as an innovative new solution in lining secondary containment bunds around storage tanks. You can read the article (in German) here.

All natural slopes are subject to continuous erosion forces. Whether the slope has been recently formed as part of development, or is in its original natural state, some form of erosion protection may be required. Many traditional solutions are costly, or require specialist equipment or labour to install.

Find out how CC can be used as an erosion control slope protection solution in our latest newsletter.

The Welsh Government have produced a series of videos depicting innovative Welsh companies one of which focuses on Concrete Canvas Ltd. You can view the video here.

A National Geographic ‘I Didn’t Know That’ video featuring Concrete Canvas has gone viral topping 4000000 hits in just four days. The video was recorded at Concrete Canvas HQ and features founder Peter Brewin demonstrating the quick deployment capabilities of Concrete Canvas Shelters. You can view the video here.

The Welsh Government has issued a press release congratulating Concrete Canvas on its export success following the completion of a new contract in Chile. Business Minister Edwina Hart said: “It’s great news to hear how a Welsh company is benefiting from our support programmes to identify and target new markets that have great potential”.

On September 27th Milliken & Company announced the official U.S. launch of Concrete Canvas (selling as Concrete Cloth in the U.S.) having become the exclusive distributor of the product in the United States and Canada last September. This launch will allow CC to be used extensively by contractors across a number of different applications on both sides of the Atlantic. Learn more about Milliken & Company here.

CC has appeared in an episode of acclaimed European arts and culture programme Euromaxx: Lifestyle Europe showcasing how Swedish designer Maria Gustavsson uses Concrete Canvas to produce designer furniture. See the video here.

Concrete Canvas Shelters were featured in the recent Polish edition of “Newsweek”. Download the article here.

Concrete Canvas featured in the recent edition of Del Cobre a Chilean construction journal. Download the article here.

As part of the UK governments’ Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP) Concrete Canvas was featured as an exemplar construction product in resource efficiency. The report which focussed on CC ditch lining highlighted that CC reduced the amount of material required material wastage embodied carbon and water required for lining drainage ditches compared to in-situ or precast concrete solutions. For further information about WRAP visit their website

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