Carlos Ruben Ordonez Galindo is the author of a thesis using Concrete Canvas for exterior design. He has since graduated and obtained the title of ‘Designer of Objects’ from the University of Azuay Ecuador. You can download the full thesis here.

Concrete Canvas Ltd is pleased to announce signing a distribution agreement with Freih Bin Owaidha Al Qahtani Sons; they will have exclusive distribution rights for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. See the Concrete Canvas section of their website here. 

In May InnovationRCA marked its tenth anniversary with 1nn0vate an event celebrating a decade as the Royal College of Art€™s centre for enterprise and entrepreneurship: 10 years of helping students and graduates create outstanding companies; 10 years of transforming designers into agents of change; 10 years of investing in talent and unlocking potential. InnovationRCA helps students and graduates transform compelling ideas into successful businesses. In the words of Dr Nadia Danhash Director InnovationRCA: €˜It€™s about taking great ideas and making them really happen €“ turning them into products or services.€™ It operates in the belief that British universities have a huge role to play in supporting the UK€™s commercial community from ground-breaking research in technology to providing a basis for new start-ups that provide employment and deliver innovation.” Read more about the project here.

Tank Storage magazine have published a two page article about the properties of Concrete Canvas and some of the applications where CC has been used in the petrochemical industry. Read the full article here.

Colorado School of Mines Graduates have launched a veteran friendly start up with the aim of taking the Concrete Canvas Shelters technology and developing it for various markets in the USA. Read the full article from Colorado School of Mines here.

Concrete Canvas Ltd is please to announce that we have signed Shin Seung as our exclusive distributor in South Korea with their first install completed last week.

The times (via raconteur) recently listed us as one of the companies making up ‘Best of British Manufacturing’ You can view the full online article here.

Showing how truly global Concrete Canvas is, an article was written about Concrete Canvas in the South China Morning Post, read the online version here.

Concrete Canvas Ltd. was honoured to receive a visit from Dr Vince Cable and Baroness Jenny Randerson on Wednesday 27h August. The visit was part of the Secretary of States€™ visit to South Wales to announce Wales hosting an international investment conference.

Directors Will Crawford and Peter Brewin have been awarded with prestigious Silver Medals from the Royal Academy of Engineering. You can read more about it here.

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