Concrete Canvas co-founders, Will Crawford and Peter Brewin, have been featured in Business News Wales as the official success stories for the Faces of a Vibrant Economy campaign run by Grant Thornton UK LLP.

The campaign is part of Grant Thornton’s “commitment to shaping a vibrant economy in the UK” and showcases some of the people across the UK who are helping to do just that. This year, Will and Pete were one of just three of the Company’s Cardiff branch’s 25 nominees to make it to the final 100 Faces.

The campaign was launched on Wednesday 8th November, where professional portraits of the final 100 Faces, captured by Getty, were shown in an exhibition in London.

Find out more about the Faces of a Vibrant Economy campaign here, and see Business News Wales’ full article here.

A report recently published by CC researched and written by Vladimir Mironov has found that Concrete Canvas (CC) has half the Carbon Footprint of conventional concrete.

The study included comparisons of the Embodied Carbon levels of a CC lined channel with a conventional concrete channel transportation carbon costs for locally sourced concrete supplies in comparison to CC which can be transported up to five times further.

To find out more read the report in full here.

The inventors and Co-Founders of Concrete Canvas Peter Brewin and William Crawford were on site today to launch the first Concrete Canvas demo-park opening in Russia.

The main applications for the material have been utilised at the United Concrete Canvas Russia demo-park to allow visitors to assess the benefits of the material.

To view one of the articles of this momentous occasion (in Russian) please click here.

Concrete Canvas Ltd has won the Award for Technical Innovation at the 2017 Ground Engineering Awards.

After review by a panel of over 50 expert judges Concrete Canvas won in recognition of the innovation of its ground-breaking all-in-one armoured impermeable liner CC Hydro™.

CC Hydro™ combines the company’s core Concrete Canvas (Geosynthetic Cementitious Composite Mat) concrete impregnated fabric technology with a high impermeability chemically resistant geomembrane backing.

The Mott Macdonald run Bund Lining project at SemLogistics Tank 114 Milford Haven has won an ICE Wales Cymru 2017: Innovation Award.

The contractor for the project was Jones Brothers (Henllan) Ltd.

This is the first award Concrete Canvas has won for the use of CC Hydro™ we now manufacture 3 award winning products!

View further information here.

On June 15th Milliken Infrastructure announced the official U.S. launch of Concrete Canvas Hydro™ (selling as Concrete Cloth in the U.S.) having become the exclusive distributor of the product in the United States and Canada in 2011.

This launch will allow CC to be used extensively by contractors across a number of different applications on both sides of the Atlantic. Learn more about Milliken Infrastructure by visiting their website here.

A contract has been signed in Melbourne by Will Crawford, Director of Concrete Canvas and Brendan Swifte, Managing Director of Geofabrics Australasia.

The agreement grants exclusive rights to Geofabrics as distributor of Concrete Canvas® in Australia and New Zealand.

View the full press release here.

Concrete Canvas Ltd. has won the Institute of Water’s Eastern Area Innovation Awards.

The ‘Dragons Den’ style competition involved a pitch and awards ceremony, held on January 30th at Cranfield University near Milton Keynes.

Lee Church (pictured right) and Gavin Adams attended the event, chaired by Steve Kaye from Anglian Water, on the company’s behalf, with their pitch coming out on top.

Concrete Canvas has proudly played host once again and is pleased to have welcomed His Excellency Mr Nguyen Van Thao Vietnam’s Ambassador to the UK on a visit to Wales and of course CC Headquarters.

Concrete Canvas Ltd’s latest financial figures show another year of incredible growth for the South Wales-based manufacturer of ‘concrete on a roll’.

Concrete Canvas is an innovative construction used for erosion control applications like channel lining, slope protection and concrete remediation, which last year sold to over 50 countries around the world.

To view the Geosynthetica article click here.

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